APROMED is a medical and scientific information and pharmaceutical promotion agency based in Tunis, Tunisia.
Made up of highly qualified employees, the Apromed team share the founders’ vision while respecting the agency’s core values.
Our high value services guarantee safe access to care to all patients
“If I had to say why I love my job, I would say that it responds to three of my professional motivations: to put my expertise at the service of my colleagues, to offer them products that will relieve their patients and to guarantee my partners delivery on the goals that we will have defined together ”,
Dr. Sarra Bousnina, General Manager.


« The team has adopted the ambition and vision of APROMED. Each of its members feels involved in the company’s projects and has the satisfaction of seeing their work valued and recognized »

« Each employee is committed to carrying out their mission with respect for ethics and people »

« In order to guarantee its longevity and retain its partners, the company strives to establish a climate of trust, essential for the work to be carried out with complete peace of mind and security »

« Team spirit is a corporate culture. It is built on a desire for sharing, listening and quality communication »

« When you have a passion for your job, enthusiasm provides motivation to challenge yourself and win »

« The key to success is to build human relationships with respect for others »

Sarra Bousnina
holder of a State Doctorate in Medicine (2000), an Executive MBA UQAM (2014) and a diploma in allergology (2019).
Sarra has been in the field of medical promotion and information since 2000 and joined APROMED in 2011.
She seeks opportunities to find quality solutions to alleviate the physical and mental suffering of patients.
Her vocation is to develop business with partners with whom she shares the same vision and the same values, more specifically respect for work and commitment to people.

Zeineb Farhat
Biomedical engineer, entrepreneur, founded APROMED in 2006.
Currently in charge of the administrative and financial affairs of the company and its development, Zeineb brings her interpersonal skills, her sense of rigor and organization to the company, with the objective of guaranteeing a work environment based on trust, independence, and respect.

Azza Touati
holder of a diploma in physiotherapy, has been a medical representative at APROMED since 2019.
Azza shares her knowledge of the latest medical discoveries with healthcare professionals. She has great communication skills, good interpersonal skills, and a well developed commercial approach. She also possesses all the rigor and ambition necessary to accomplish the missions entrusted to her.

holder of a State Doctorate in Medicine, has been a medical representative since 2008, joining APROMED in 2015. With enthusiasm, good interpersonal skills, adaptability, and passion about science, Anis’s commitment is for human life, patients, and health.

Farah Gorgi
holder of a State Doctorate in Medicine, has held the position of medical representative at APROMED since 2014.
With ten years of professional experience in the pharmaceutical field as an MSL and medical representative, Farah is an expert in the field, and she brings enthusiasm, passion, patience, and perseverance to her role. She is good listener and frequently makes herself available allowing her to continuously develop and overcome the challenges that arise on a daily basis.

Emna Hanachi
holder of a master’s degree in applied foreign languages is executive assistant at APROMED since its creation in 2006.
Emna is committed to developing good relationships with all employees.
Through her meticulous work, her sense of responsibility, and her commitment to the mission of the company, she brings balance and consistency to the team.
« When passion meets know-how, we become more ambitious in choosing our challenges »
b. Activity monitoring through a CRM designed to better manage information and to ensure a superior customer experience.
c. Collaborative work to enhance efficiency and independence.
b. Availability of innovative digital tools intended to inform doctors
c. Building long-term partnerships with medical associations by providing scientific and financial support for skills development
b. Help with the preparation and handling of reimbursement files
i. Management of pharmacovigilance cases (incidents?)
ii. Collection and use of pharmacovigilance data
iii. Information and advice
a. A transparent accounting
b. Recruitment of new employees
c. The supervision and development of its sales force
– the medical profession and health personnel, by listening to their expectations,
– the medical societies active in the field of continuing medical education to which it grants scientific and financial support,
– the health authorities, by being rigorous in the scrupulous application of the current regulations,
– Health insurance funds and private insurance companies, ensuring that patients benefit from their treatment in the best conditions.
– Pharmaceutical companies for which APROMED provides its knowledge of the medical and pharmaceutical environment in Tunisia
For an effective marketing strategy, APROMED segments the target in order to best identify the prescribers to whom the pharmaceutical company will primarily market its products.
Following a market analysis, APROMED builds an action plan for the implementation (introduction?) of new products. This plan helps define the best strategy to enter the market, to better know the customers, how to react to the competition, to evaluate the potential revenue, and to define the overall commercial strategy.
It enables the optimized use of resources, the faster achievement of the expected results and the involvement, empowerment and motivation of each individual within the company.

More than 50% of Tunisians are connected to the internet. Among them, more than 80% use a Smartphone.
Based on this observation, APROMED launched a digital communication plan aimed at patients and healthcare professionals.
For patients, we aim to raise awareness, educate, take charge early, and provide support.
As for physicians, we provide them with digital tools to inform themselves, train and manage their patients by involving them in the management of their pathology.
The tools developed range from a presence on general public and professional social media, to general public and professional information platforms specific to a given specialty.
Finally, to take advantage of the widespread use of Smartphones, APROMED has experimented with the use of mobile applications intended to facilitate the care of the patient and his pathology.

1 / Specialties: Pneumo-allergology, ENT, Pediatrics, Allergology
2 / Ministry of Health, Central Pharmacy of Tunisia, Directorate of Pharmacy and Medicines, National Laboratory for Medicines Control, National Center of Pharmacovigilance, Institutes of Health and Safety at Work, Institut Pasteur de Tunis
3 / Learned societies and partner associations: Tunisian Society of Respiratory Diseases and Allergology (STMRA), Tunisian Association for Continuing Education in Allergology (ATUFORCAL), Association of Pneumo-Allergologists from the Center and the South (APACS), Association for the Promotion of Pneumology and Allergology (APPA), Tunisian Society of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergology (STPAP), Tunisian Society of Pediatrics (STP), Tunisian Society of ENT and Cervico-Facial Surgery (STORL) Tunisian Association of Wounds and Healing
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